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Unlimited Support Packages

Our unlimited website support package is our most popular services to date. It not only allows you to offer support to your customers but lets you build recurring revenue.


Our website and network security experts help establish and maintain client security with regularized scans and reports.

*We do not have control over the server-side security of websites we do not host.

Unlimited Content Updates

We help our clients generate and remove multimedia content according to their evolving needs


E-commerce Updates

We keep client sites up-to-date to reflect the client’s current product and service line

Design Changes

Our team of developers are able to update client website designs according to changes in client brands, logos, and color schemes


Technical Updates

We make sure to keep client sites up-to-date with the latest technology. Examples include plugin, theme, and error resolution updates.

*We do not fully support issues caused by hosting we do not control.

Basic Support

$49/ MO
  • 3-5 day Turn Around
  • 5 Support Request
  • Done For You WordPress Updates
  • Done For You Theme Updates
  • Done For You Plugin Updates
Enroll Now

Priority Support

$149/ MO
  • 48 Hour Turn Around
  • Unlimited Support Request
  • Done For You WordPress Updates
  • Done For You Theme Updates
  • Done For You Plugin Updates
  • Hacking Recovery
  • Webmaster Tools Monitoring
  • Security Plugin Set Up
Enroll Now

Premium Support

$99/ MO
  • 3-5 day Turn Around
  • 25 Support Request
  • Done For You WordPress Updates
  • Done For You Theme Updates
  • Done For You Plugin Updates
  • Hacking Recovery
  • Security Plugin Set Up
Enroll Now